Thursday, 26 November 2015

Fracteried fairy tale

My Reflection
I was learning to write a fractured fairy tale.
The hardest part was making my own story.
My next step is to make one that is based on a real story.

Fractured fairy tale

I was learning to write a fractured fairy tale.
The trickiest part was basing it on a fairy tale.
My next step is to make it more like a fairy tale. 

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Swimming dolphins

My Reflection
We had swimming this year it was so warm and so cool.
We had groups called dolphins and sharks.
This year I found tricky was gliding.
My next step is to learn to glide better and breath under water. 

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

My Reflection
I was learning to write my own fairy tale.
The easiest part was Making my own.
My next step is to

Monday, 16 November 2015

Term 4 Week 6

On Saturday Me and my Dad went to my dad's friends house to work on the car.  When we got there my dad's car and we had to sand the car before it gets painted and get's the motor in and get it all ready to go. We I started and my hands got covered in white sanding.  When we finished we had some lunch that me and my dad went to get.  We all got a ham subway, It was so yum.  Then me and my dad went back home and had some dinner straight away, it was so late. We had a chicken burger, it was yummy. Then it was my bed time.

Sunday morning me and my family had some breakfast, we had bacon and egg on toast.  Then we had a day at home.  Then we watched a movie on the TV called the hunger games.  Then it was bed time.  The next day it was school day.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Term 4 Week 5

On Saturday me and my family went for a walk in the city and to the park.  Then me and my dad cleaned the garage and started the motorbike up.  Then my cousin came over. when my cousin  got there my dad went and pumped my bike tires up.  Then my dad let off some fireworks.  Then me and my cousin  watched a movie in our bed it was called pixels.

The next day me and my dad went to Waiuku  to take my dad's motor out of his car with his old work mate. I brung my remote control drift car because I was going to get bored when my dad was fixing on the car.  When my dad was finished it took us an hour to get home.  When we got home me and all our friends came over for a barque and dinner.  Then it was my bed time and I watched TV.

Friday, 6 November 2015

narrative framework

My Reflection
I was learning about the different parts of a narrative story.
The easiest part was that I knew this story.  I understand the different parts of a narrative story
My next step is to write my own fractured fariytale.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

determine crederbilaty

My Reflection
I was learning to find clues in sites.
The easiest part was finding if it's fact or opinion.
My next step is to find more clues.

Monday, 2 November 2015

Term 4 week 4

In the weekend me and my family woke up at 4:00 in the morning, we had breakfast. we got up early to watch the all blacks game.  All of my friends and my mum and dad friends came over at 4:45.  It was so exciting. The all blacks won 34-17 we won the world cup.

 After that me troy, Xander played a game of rugby them 2 a giants me. I won 100-65.  Then we all sat down and had some drinks and listened to loud music.  Then my sister woke up and we put her in her exasaucer, she made a lot of noise. Then we had some of my lollies and a lolly scramble, I got 5 lollies

  At 5:00 every one left.  Then me and my family clean the whole house up.  Then me and my dad played Frisbee throws.  Then it was bed time for me.  The next day I went to school.

Friday, 30 October 2015

character description

My reflection
I was learning to write a character description about my grandma.
The easiest part was writing about her personality traits.
My next step  is to add more detail.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Fact or opinion

My Reflection
I was learning to do fact and opinion in texts.
The easiest part was reading the story.
My next step is to ricanize fact and opinion in non fiction texts.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Fact finding in non fiction texts

My reflection
I was learning to find facts in non fiction texts
The easiest part was finding the articles
The hardest part was finding The date
My next step will be to put more information in my texts. 

Probability with Yahstee

My reflection. I was learning about probability.  We had to play the game Yahtzee and talk about which combinations were most likely and least likely.
I had to look at all 5 dices and what ever number is the same I won't take
I thought it was easy because I did it with the teacher
My next step is to try not to work with the teacher.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Term 4 Week 1

Image result for pancakesIn the holidays me and my family went to the kids in cars show.  I cooked pancakes for breakfast for my family.  I got to go in a drift car and we went 190 miles per hour.  I was hold onto the roll cages so hard I thought I was going to crash.  Next There was a dodge charger. The line for it was so long it was to long to wait so we went and had some lunch. On Sunday I went to tauranga to go look at my new beach house.  Then me and my cuzon rode our scooters down and up the road.  After that me and my dad started pulling out the carpet and there was heaps of sharp nails.
Image result for tauranga

Tauranga was so hot.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Place Value

My Reflection
I was learning to know place value to 3 digits. The easiest part was that i'm really good at place value.  My next step is to try bigger numbers.

Geometry - 3D shapes

My reflection
I was learning to learn more about geometry and 3d shapes. The easiest part was that I know my 3d shapes. The hardest part was try and get the names right.

Extending Vocabulary

My Reflection
I'm learning to extend my Knowledge in reading. The hardest part was using my knowledge to try and know what the word means. The easiest part was doing the questions that I know.My next step is to keep learning new words.  

My Speech

My Reflection

I was learning to write a speech. The easiest part was that I know lots about sport. My next step is to put more detail.

Multiplication Problem Solving

My Reflection

I was learning to learn about multipacation. The easiest part was doing the actual Questions beacause I know lots of multipacation. my Next step is to learn more about division.

Thursday, 24 September 2015

What is multiplication

My Reflection
 I was learning multipercation for maths. The easiest part of this was writing down the thing that I know. My next part is to learn more about dividing.


Thursday, 10 September 2015

My award

This is my award from rugby and this award it for forward of the year out of my whole team 
I worked really hard to get this award
I am a hooker witch is in the middle of the scrum  

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

clay wind chimes

My Reflection
Thus was easy because I've all ready made a clay wind chime
The hard part of this was to make all the instructions clear

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Explanation Writing - How to do a rugby tackle

My Reflection
I was learning how to make a clear instruction how to do a rugby tackle. The easiest part was that I know how to do a rugby tackle. My next step is to put more detail and facts.

Monday, 3 August 2015

Explanation Writing - How to do a rugby tackle

I was learning to write an explanation.
I had to …explain how to do a rugby tackle
I thought it was …easy because ...I know how to do a tackle
My next step is to ...explain something harder

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Term 3 Week 2

On Thursday elm park rugby team played mission heights and we had our whole team there to play and we played a great game. It was my first game for the school and I like the team so much. we won by 61-19 to us. I got 4 runs and alot of tackles. Me and my friend called Hudson did a tackle together.

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Term 1 Week 4

Last week we played a game of capture the flag with youth town.  We got the ball most of the time I defend the flag and they still got it I was so angry.  Then we went in for a breather and then we had another game and we won by heaps.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Kaitiaki art

My reflection
The hardest part was drawing it because i'm not really good
it was fun because we got to do cool text for the words

My speech

My reflection
I have been learning to write an information speech.  My speech is facts about dirt bikes
This activity was easy because I know lots about dirt bikes and I am excited to share it with you
My next step is going to be present it to a bigger crowd.

Addition and subtraction

My reflection
The easiest part was the problems
And the hardest part was the success criteria because me and Dee had to think a lot about it and thats what made our brains think and that was the hardest part.
We practiced at home every time for our homework
My next step is to learn more strategies.

Making connections

my reflection
I have been learning to make connections to the text
I found this easy because I understand the book really well
It reminded me about something in my real life
My next step is to make more connections

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Term 2 Week 7

Te Tuhi trip
Last Thursday the year fours went to Te Tuhi and we did a special work shop about matariki.

First we got in the van and we got driven to Te Tuhi by mr walker.  At Te Tuhi we learnt about Matariki.  Afterthat we got told what we were going do by Jermy Jermy is our leader.  We were creating vertical gardens out of bottles.  Next we had to cut the top of the plastic bottle.  Then we had to decarate our plastic bottles with stickers and vivid.  Then we had toput the pummis and the soil in the bottle and put a plant in there.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Term 2 Week 5

Last week we went to TeTuhi and we did a role play for Jeremy,he is the leader.  Then we went to the art room and started our posters about how the kiwi lost his wing.  Then we started to draw all the birds was kind of hard.  The hardest for me was drawing the tui because it had so many parts of it.the kiwi was the hardest.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Week 3 Term 2

This week we all learnt sign language but only  our name so it was easy to say then any thing other.  Then we started to play follow the leader well doing sign language it was easy/hard.  Then we had to buddy up with someone and spell your name.  After that we watched Mrs Graham do it and she was better than you thought.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Term 2,Week 2

This week the year fours went and did bike skills and on our first lesson we talked about safety before we start riding the bike.  Then it was our second lesson and we got to ride a bike but in a straight before we could ride around. Now where all waiting on the next session to see if we ride in a straight line again or do something diffirent.  I hope we do something diffirent because I like doing some things diffirent or it gets borring.  

Monday, 30 March 2015

My Pepeha

This is my pepeha you will know about my family.
This will tell you all our names.
This will tell you what we all like.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Term 1 Week 8

On Monday we went to the morning meeting with the year 5's to do our pepeha.  Then we sang some song's like he horne  and Te ha mouriora.  Then we all walked back to class.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

My pepeha

The top triangle is my house And the right one is a plane because I like planes and a triangle and the silver fern.  The bottom one is my mountain and it is Pigeon Mountian. 

Term 1 Week 7

This week we had a new challenge this week it was called the 100 word challenge.  We had to write about a picture.  I wrote 103 words It was easer then I thourt.  Then I had to share it with a buddy and I picked dee and he did 102 words and then we wanted to do some more of it with more words but we had to wait for next week on a monday.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Place value

  I was learning to read numbers up to thousand and to say which is bigger or smaller.

The thing that helped me most was:
- using my basic facts to help with bigger numbers
- using streets and houses to break up bigger numbers
- realising that the success criteria doesn’t change when the numbers get bigger
- practising on Mathletics

My next step is to:

- try the same activity suing bigger numbers
- use this information to move problems

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Term 1 Week 6

Last week we did youth town. We learnt a new game and only the girls could get the ball because the boys were to hard to get and the boys had to defend.  There was a bib team and a none bib team I was in the non bib team with Thomas and Troy and Dee and Hudson.

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Term 1 Week 5

This week we have been doing the blue whale challenge.  It has been fun because you get to do maths and learn about blue whale's and watch short vidios obout them.  Then you get to do some colouering in a pitere of the world and you have to spot out where all the blue whales live.

Friday, 20 February 2015

African praise poem

My reflection
I have been learning to write an African praise poem.  The most challenging thing was putting
the photos in the right place.  The best part about this was doing the photo.  My next step is to use more creative descriptions next time.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

My 2015 welcome post

Welcome to my Year 4 learning blog. This year I am in room 28/29 and my teachers are Mrs Graham and Mrs Melville.  I enjoy doing hand writing.  This year I am looking forward to doing maths.  I hope you will enjoy my blog and leave lots of feedback.